Sunday, March 18, 2012

"Only lefties are in their right minds"

Hi everyone, hope you guys had a good weekend.

Weekends, the way time teases us into believing that we have free time to sleep, play, shop, or do chores in my case. The weekend is nothing more than the preparation for a tedious weekday. It's a lazy Sunday afternoon and I am thinking of how to put my best foot froward, that is my left foot of course, when it comes to dealing with work demands.

Lately, I'm finding myself swamped with work that seems to be a total mystery to me; not because it is difficult or that I am inexperienced, but rather I struggle with the execution. I tend to do things that are inexplicable to righties. Only those who are lefties would understand why I would read from the bottom up or colour coordinate similar things that righties might not get the connection.

I find it very difficult to do things the righty way when I already have a bulletproof plan that gets me results. So if you have ever experienced doing something your way only to have someone, a righty, in my case, shoot it down, you better understand the dynamics of left and right brain hemispheres.

Let me school you on the lefty and righty brain. Think of your brain as a circle that has an imaginary line down the middle. The line, though imaginary, strictly separates behavioural and motor skills of a person. The brain is "cross-wired" so that the left hemisphere controls the right handed side of the body and vice-versa and hand dominance is connected with brain dominance on the opposite side.

Image obtained from

Here is a good trick to remember what side is your most dominant.

"Only lefties are in their right minds! " Get it?, right minds....

The left hemisphere (RIGHT HAND CONTROL) controls Speech, Language, Writing, Logic, Mathematics, Science, this is the LINEAR THINKING MODE.
The right hemisphere (LEFT HAND CONTROL) controls Music, Art, Creativity, Perception, Emotions, Genius, this is the HOLISTIC THINKING MODE

Let's take a quiz on which side of the proverbial brain fence you sit on.

Now, even though I am a hard core lefty, there are still some features of the left brain that I excel at. For example, language and writing are my strong points. My test results showed that I am a left brain person, which is more or less suited for a righty. The results are only indicative of how people function with certain areas of their brain becoming more dominant than the other. It is not set in stone.

My test results:

You responded as a right brained person to 1 question, and you responded as a left brained person to 17 questions. According to the Hemispheric Dominance test, you use your left brain the most. The summary briefly describes your dominance type. Some of the traits associated with the left side of the brain are listed in the table. Not all of the traits will apply to you. Remember, we use both side of our brain, but your left sides gets the most exercise.
Type of Cognitive Processing
Brief Description
LinearProcessing information from part to whole; in a straight forward logical progression.
Sequential Processing information in order from first to last.
SymbolicProcesses symbols an pictures; likes to use letters, words and mathematical symbols.
LogicalProcesses information piece by piece using logic to solve a problem.
VerbalProcesses thoughts and ideas with words.
Reality-BasedProcesses information based on reality; focuses on rules and regulations

Just because you are a lefty or righty does not mean that you are categorically a left or right brain person. Some characteristics can overlap and the important thing to understand why you think in a certain way or do things differently from others. Understanding how the power of your left or right justifications can help you become more aware of the differences that occur between you and your family, friends, significant other and with your work colleagues.

Yet another thing humans need to understand to make this world a more tolerable and efficient place.

That is all, have a lefty day!

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