Monday, March 12, 2012

Introductory Induction on Lefties

Now I know whoever is reading this and saying "whatever" about the blog is a true right-handed person. From now on I will refer to us, the left- handed people, as lefties and the right-handed people as the righties.
But you, righty, have had a life long of ease and clumsy-free childhood and adulthood in some cases. The push and pull signs on doors are under your command, the desks and notebooks adhere to your rightly justification and most of all, you are seen throughout time as the bearer of good and divinity.

So, this introduction blog is for you righties to explain to you why lefties are left out, no pun intended, when it comes to daily tasks. I want take a lot of your time but I will highlight some facts and factoids about left-handedness and hopefully entice you into reading this blog as a way to understand your fellow lefty, laugh with the lefties on their clumsiness and maybe become less edgy when you see a lefty unable to open a jar or confuses the pull and push signs on door.
  • In ancient times, lefties were considered to be possessed by the devil.This is where the notion of good and bad took form especially with labelling the word "right" with goodness and purity, whilst all the antonyms associated with "right" were dropped on the lefties.
  • In Medieval times, lefties were burnt to the stake for fear they might be the devil.
  • The left side, and subsequently left-handedness, is considered negative in many cultures. The Latin word sinistra originally meant "left" but took on meanings of "evil" or "unlucky" by the Classical Latin era.
Here is a mini list of items that make lefties' lives a bit less convenient:
  • cameras (Years of being made fun because I didn't know how to properly hold the camera)
  • can openers (I still have the scar of the cut from the can opener; 15 years ago. I was making dinner for my lefty dad)
  • corkscrews
  • potato peelers
  • rulers (Could never draw a straight line or read the marks; maybe that is why I suck at Maths)
  • computer mice and keyboards
  • chequebooks
  • spiral notebooks (when I am writing on the left page my fingers keep on hitting the hard spiral metal)
Now, I am not writing this to complain but rather to explain and inform you righties about us lefties. Don't worry, I won't ask for sympathy or create an organisation for abused lefties' rights.

Until the next post, have a lefty day!

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